We Do

We look for areas in your spine that have neurological interference – these areas are known as Subluxations. When we find these areas of Subluxation we adjust them by hand.

Here Is What You Need To Know About The First Appointment

Before The Appointment

After booking an appointment online – intake forms will be sent to you via your email. It is important to fill in these forms before your appointment as it saves time and helps us gain a deeper understanding of your body. Here at Family Chiropractic, we prioritise getting as much information as possible to help us understand everything your body has been through.

At The Appointment

After being welcomed into the practice you will have some posture photos taken. We will then sit down and discuss what you have filled out in the forms and any additional questions which we need to ask. We will then examine your posture photos and discuss what we see neurologically & posturally. We will then create some goals that you would like to achieve. We will explain to you exactly what Chiropractic is and how it could help you.
There will likely be other functional and structural tests to help us understand how your Nerve system is functioning. You will get an explanation of what has been happening in your body and where the subluxations are. This will allow you to have a deeper understanding of what is actually happening. We will then come up with a care plan specific to you – this may look like once a week, twice a week, or three times a week. This will be determined by the chiropractor depending on your history, neurological exam and posture photos. From here, if possible, and if necessary we will adjust you. We have a multitude of techniques that will be specifically chosen for you. We can book your care plan out so that you have your appointment times scheduled for when it suits you best.

At The Appointment

After being welcomed into the practice you will have some posture photos taken. We will then sit down and discuss what you have filled out in the forms and any additional questions which we need to ask. We will then examine your posture photos and discuss what we see neurologically & posturally. We will then create some goals that you would like to achieve. We will explain to you exactly what Chiropractic is and how it could help you.
There will likely be other functional and structural tests to help us understand how your Nerve system is functioning. You will get an explanation of what has been happening in your body and where the subluxations are. This will allow you to have a deeper understanding of what is actually happening. We will then come up with a care plan specific to you – this may look like once a week, twice a week, or three times a week. This will be determined by the chiropractor depending on your history, neurological exam and posture photos. From here, if possible, and if necessary we will adjust you. We have a multitude of techniques that will be specifically chosen for you. We can book your care plan out so that you have your appointment times scheduled for when it suits you best.

Healthy Habits After The Adjustment

Drink Plenty of water! For adults, this means anywhere between 2-3L. Take it easy after your very first adjustment. You may feel a little sore after – if this is the case you can put ice on the area for 10-15 minutes and can repeat after every two hours. You may feel tired – if this is the case it is ok and normal – just like a baby sleep when they are growing and developing so if you can sleep then sleep. A baby may sleep for a long time after their adjustment.

Focus on your posture – standing evenly on both legs, sit on both hips evenly. If there is additional advice that the Chiropractor feels is necessary for you, they will let you know. If you have any additional questions know that you can always contact us via email or bring the questions along to the next visit.

Subsequent Visits

You will be warmly welcomed into the practice. You can take a seat in the spacious waiting room where we have tea and water provided. This is where the kids can play or draw also. When it is your adjustment time you will come back into the adjusting room where the whole family can join also. The Adjustments will be anywhere between 5-10 minutes. There is always plenty of time to ask questions. Parents with babies know that you can leave them sleeping for their adjustments.

Subsequent Visits

You will be warmly welcomed into the practice. You can take a seat in the spacious waiting room where we have tea and water provided. This is where the kids can play or draw also. When it is your adjustment time you will come back into the adjusting room where the whole family can join also. The Adjustments will be anywhere between 5-10 minutes. There is always plenty of time to ask questions. Parents with babies know that you can leave them sleeping for their adjustments.

 Evaluation Visits

We always will do evaluations to monitor your progress while checking in to see if you have any new goals when moving on to the different stages of care. This will also include new posture photos being taken.

Meet the Chiropractor at Family Chiropractic

We look for areas in your spine that have neurological interference – these areas are known as Subluxations.